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Supply Chain Management Article Library

Nov 27, 2002

E-Commerce vs. E-Business

“There will be nothing in the 10-year window except e-companies. That does not mean that Brick-and-Mortar will go away. But Click-and-Mortar will become the only means of survival.” John Chambers,… 

Nov 12, 2002

Reverse Auctions: How Do Suppliers Really Feel About Them?

In September I attended a meeting of over 130 executives at a joint meeting of the members of the Drug, Chemical, and Allied Trades (DCAT) group and the Institute for… 

Nov 1, 2002

Skills for the New Era of Supply Chain Management – A Look to the Future

As we approach the end of the year, many of us are wondering what the new year will bring for us, as well as what it will take to keep… 

Oct 30, 2002

The Electronic Marketplace

Trade through e-marketplaces is expected to grow from 7.8% of e-commerce activity in 2002 to 48% of online trade by 2006. So far, 15 percent of all Fortune 2000 companies… 

Oct 23, 2002

Six Steps to a Successful VMI System

COMMUNICATE expectations of all parties. Customer must commit to sharing PRECISE information. Supplier must ensure RELIABLE transmission, receipt, and use of information. Sufficiently TEST systems before going live. Expect implementation… 

Oct 17, 2002

Supply Chain Redesign Requires Open Communication! – Lessons from GM’s OTD Supplier Council

I attended a meeting of the General Motors Order-to-Delivery Supplier Council, led by Dick Alagna, Director of OTD-Purchasing on September 10, 2002. The meeting was held at General Motors University… 

Oct 7, 2002

West Coast Lockout Costing $1 – $2 Billion a Day

This past week’s failed contract talks between dockworkers and shipping lines are costing the U.S. economy dearly. Estimates range from $1 Billion (by economists at Indiana University and UC Berkeley)… 

Oct 3, 2002

Key Themes Facing Supply Chain Executives

As a member of the Editorial Board for the periodical “Inside Supply Management”, I recently sat in on a teleconference involving multiple executives from different industries, including Boeing, Sealy, Raytheon,… 

Oct 2, 2002

The Hidden Impact of Inventory

Many managers complain that senior executives do not understand the importance of supply chain management (SCM). At supply chain conferences and educational seminars, the phrase “I wish my boss were… 

Sep 24, 2002

Lessons in Demand Management

Demand Management: The function of recognizing all demands for goods and services to support the market place. It involves prioritizing demand when supply is lacking. Proper demand management facilitates the…