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Information Flows

Apr 16, 2018

Relational Contracts Student Insight: Codifying the Deal is Key!

In Part 2 of our blog series leading up to the SCRC meeting this coming Thursday on “Relational Contracting”, we feature a white paper developed by Tracy Burnett, a second… 

Apr 15, 2018

Relational Contracts Student Project: Alternative Means to Settling Contract Disputes

As part of the lead-up to our SCRC meeting this week on Relational Contracting, I am featuring the first of five papers by some of our online MBA students who… 

Jan 19, 2018

Logistics Management (Definition) – What is Logistics Management?

What is Logistics Management? Logistics management is the process of strategically managing the procurement, movement and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory (and the related information flows) through the… 

Jul 30, 2013

Global Logistics, Q&A with John Camp, Lenovo

Questions and Answers on Global Logistics, with John Camp, Lenovo Big Issues in Global Logistics Rob Handfield (Co-Director of SCRC): Hi, I’m here with John Camp, director of logistic solutions… 

Jan 20, 2011


See: Currency Conversion, Language 

Jan 20, 2011

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

In supply chain management, the total cost of ownership of the supply delivery system is the sum of all the costs associated with every activity of the supply stream. The… 

Jan 20, 2011

Total Costs

The sum of the variable, fixed and semivariable costs (costs that cannot be classified as variable or fixed ) comprises total costs. As the volume of production increases, total costs… 

Jan 20, 2011

Target Costing

It is the process of designing a product to meet a specific cost objective. Target costing involves setting the planned selling price, subtracting the desired profit as well as marketing… 

Jan 19, 2011

Forecast Error

The difference between actual demand and forecast demand, stated as an absolute value or as a percentage. E.g., average forecast error, forecast accuracy, mean absolute deviation, tracking signal. There are… 

Jan 19, 2011

Supply Chain Inventory Visibility

Software applications that permit monitoring events across a supply chain. These systems track and trace inventory globally on a line-item level and notify the user of significant deviations from plans.…