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Information Flows

Jan 19, 2011

Customer Value

The customer value approach focuses on how people choose among competing suppliers, customer attraction and retention, and market-share gains. Answering three customer value questions is important in order to determine… 

Jan 19, 2011


Differences in culture, language, dialects or terminology may result in miscommunication and cause problems. While both parties may think that they understand what the other party has said, a true… 

Jan 14, 2011

Capacity – Information Flows

Capacity is the capability of a worker, machine, work center, plant, or organization to produce output per time period. Information aids us in addressing capacity availability, unused capacity and performance… 

Jan 13, 2011

Business-to-Business Commerce (B2B)

Business being conducted over the Internet between businesses. The implication is that this connectivity will cause businesses to transform themselves via supply chain management to become virtual organizations, reducing costs,… 

Jan 13, 2011

Activity-Based Management (ABM)

The use of activity-based costing information about cost pools and drivers, activity analysis, and business processes to identify business strategies; improve product design, manufacturing, and distribution; and remove waste from… 

Jan 13, 2011

Activity-Based Cost Accounting (ABC)

A cost accounting system that accumulates costs based on activities performed and then uses cost drivers to allocate these costs to products or other bases, such as customers, markets, or…