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Supply Chain Risk

Jul 14, 2024

Supply Chain Risk is Everyone’s Business

Supply disruption risk has risen as one of the top challenges for supply chain managers.  Recent disruptions such as the Texas Polar Vortex that impacted resin markets, the North Carolina… 

Feb 28, 2024

GameaPalooza US AirForce Event at NC State Draws a Crowd!

Gaming in military education has traditionally been reserved for wargaming and simulation, however, a recent event hosted by NC State, entitled “Gameapalooza” spotlighted emerging applications of gaming technology, specifically for the… 

Apr 14, 2023

Examining the Effect of Health Policies on the Opioid Epidemic from the Lens of Supply Chain

Guest post by: Amir Hossein Sadeghi and Amirreza Sahebi Fakhrabad Opioid Epidemic in the U.S. The opioid epidemic is a well-documented national crisis that has had a devastating impact on… 

Feb 27, 2023

Global Independence: Reimagining the “What if Scenario”

Here’s another blog from my colleague, Rajinder Bhandal from Leeds University.  She had a chance to speak with Pete Guinto, another colleague of mine at Resilinc.  Here’s a summary of… 

Feb 20, 2023

A Brief History of B2B Data Sharing – and What’s In Store

Craig Lukasik has been busy!  This is his third guest blog on Supply Chain View From the Field.   And it’s good one!  Data sharing sounds good in theory –… 

Nov 2, 2022

Consumer Pressure Is Key to Fixing Dire Labor Conditions in the Clothing Supply Chain

Originally published on November 02, 2022, in the Harvard Business Review – Operations And Supply Chain Management by Robert Handfield, Tim Kraft, and Marguerite Moore SUMMARY The plethora of different… 

Oct 28, 2022

What does”Supplier Relationship Management” really mean?

In a report I worked on in 2013, I conducted interviews conducted with 25 chief procurement officers (CPOs) on one of the most important drivers of value creation and resilience… 

Sep 26, 2022

China, Taiwan, and Semiconductor Risks – Part 2

As I alluded to in an earlier post, the scenario of China invading Taiwan, and halting all semiconductor production is highly unlikely, for a number of reasons. First, the Taiwanese… 

Sep 23, 2022

US Air Force Defense Acquisition and Contract Officers Come to NC State

We were proud to host a group of 20 contract officers from a number of different US Air Force bases across the country, including Wright-Patterson (Ohio), Hill (Utah), Pope (NC),… 

Jul 19, 2022

Recession ahead? One contrarian doesn’t think so…

I had the pleasure of hearing Professor Jason Miller from Michigan State University speak to the Center for Advanced Purchasing Studies members today, sharing with us a variety of fascinating…