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  • Does the facility comply with all relevant health and safety laws and regulations, including any directives related to public health issued by relevant local authorities? 
  • Does the facility have an effective program and materials to train relevant individuals, including all individuals responsible for the supervision of workers, on all of the relevant occupational health and safety issues? 
  • Has facility management deployed an adequate plan to address public health issues in the facility?
  • Does the facility undertake internal monitoring of its health and safety systems, including fire safety, to ensure it is following written procedures/processes and meeting the requirements of all relevant laws?
  • Have risk assessments been carried out throughout the facility, including fire risk assessments? How often does the facility perform risk assessments? Were the findings communicated with management and the health & safety committee? Were actions taken to correct the findings?
  • Does the responsible person(s) work with the health & safety committee to address findings from the facility’s internal monitoring and risk assessments?
  • Is a regular occupational health check arranged for workers involved in hazardous job duties, if any?
  • Is the regular occupational health check free for the applicable workers?
  • Has the facility properly tracked health, safety, and fire incidents in the past 12 months?
  • Does the facility have a written safety program, including written emergency procedures to handle natural disasters, fire safety, and emergencies and industrial accidents?
  • Are the following safety documents maintained by the facility:
    • Health and safety reports?
    • Heavy machinery inspection (boilers, compressors, etc.)?
    • Maintenance reports?
    • Fire extinguisher records, noting the date of inspection and expiration?
    • Emergency evacuation drill records (at least semi-annual, roughly six months apart) for all shifts, including night shift, and childcare, noting the date and detailed results?
    • Work injury reports?
    • Clinic logs, noting date and reason for visit?
  • Have any government agencies inspected the facility for compliance with safety and health regulations during the past two years?
  • Does the facility address the following occupational health and safety needs required by the relevant laws and regulations for the following: 
    • Heat stress/extreme temperatures?
    • Paint spray/spot cleaning booths?
    • Welding safety?
    • Respiratory safety?
    • Bloodborne pathogen program?
    • Hearing (noise control program)?
    • Indoor air quality?
    • Cotton dust ventilation?
    • Workplace illumination?
    • Sanitary waste disposal?
  • General Building Safety
  • Electrical Safety
  • Worker Safety Awareness
  • Fire Safety
    • Sprinkler Valves
    • Fire Alarm Boxes
    • Emergency Evacuation
    • Emergency Lighting
    • Stairwells
  • Chemical Safety
  • Boiler/Compressor/ Generator Rooms Safety 
  • Machine Safety
  • Dormitories/Apartments Safety 
    • Dormitories Fire Alarm
    • Dormitories Emergency Lighting
    • Dormitories Stairwell