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  • Does the facility have procedures that recognize and respect the right of workers to exercise their lawful rights of free association and collective bargaining?
  • Does the facility have a documented grievance mechanism? Types of mechanism- Workers’ committee/representative/union members, round-table discussion, open door, suggestion box, helpline/hotline, and/or electronic online form, including 
  • How are grievances collected by facility designated personnel?
  • Does the facility’s responsible person(s) regularly review whether there were submissions of any grievances? What is the frequency of such review?
  • How does the facility address the grievances in a timely manner?
  • Does the facility maintain the records of such review?
  • How many grievances were received in the past 6 months?
  • Does the facility have the resolution policy in place regarding the reported grievances by workers?
  • What is the resolution process undertaken by the facility and human resources management in response to the grievances?
  • Describe any appeal process available to workers.
  • Is the grievance mechanism known to ALL workers?
  • Are there any penalties to workers associated with using the grievance mechanism?
  • Is there any confidential reporting channel available to workers.
  • Does the facility provide effective grievance mechanism trainings to its managers and supervisors?
  • Does the facility communicate its policies and practices pertaining to facility workers that may perform recruitment or screening of applicants, third Parties (e.g., free zone office services, labor brokers/agencies) that may perform recruitment or screening of applicants?
  • If there is a union, are workers aware of the existence of the union?
  • Are organization meetings held in the factory premises?
  • Are there formal communication procedures between union/worker representatives/committee members and management?
  • What are the procedures for union/ workers’ representatives/committee members meeting with management to discuss work-place issues?
  • Are union/workers’ representatives/ committee members consulted in establishing safe working conditions?
  • Does management respond to union/ workers’ representatives/committee members within a defined time?
  • Does the facility enter into discussions with the workers’ representatives in an open manner and within the terms of local/national law?
  • Are the minutes of facility/worker representative meetings documented and available to the workers?
  • Are workers’ representatives elected on a free and confidential basis by the workers without interference from management? If no, what is the election process?
  • Does the facility discriminate, harass, or abuse workers who form or participate in lawful associations? who choose not to join any association?
  • Which of the follow does the facility have- A union, An association, Workers’ committee, Collective representation of workers
  • List the name of the lead workers’ representative (in the union, association, workers’ committee, or collective representation of workers.)
  • Does this workers’ group operate free from coercion or illegal restrictions to its operations?
  • Does the facility consult with the worker representatives on any issues that are a requirement by law such as facility disclosures, mass lay-offs, restructuring of the business etc.?
  • Is there any collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or labor-management negotiation on workplace issues? If yes, how is the CBA/bargaining agreement implemented? If there is a CBA/bargaining agreement, do the terms meet the legal minimum requirements?