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  • Does the facility have procedures and practices to ensure compliance and remediation with the facility policy?
  • Are the facility’s written policy, practices and procedures on discriminatory behavior effectively communicated to and understood by all workers and management personnel?
  • Does the facility have written policies and procedures related to termination and layoff? Do these policies and procedures comply with local/national laws?
  • Does the facility provide training to all workers on termination and layoff policies and procedures, particularly to newly hired workers?
  • Can workers terminate employment by giving proper notice (defined by local laws or by contract terms) at any time and without penalty?
  • Does the facility have an effective program and materials used to train relevant individuals, including all individuals responsible for the supervision of workers and the hiring process, on the facility’s policy and procedures prohibiting discrimination?
  • Do all workers sign statements (statements may be included in an employment application or contract), written in the language(s) understood by workers, affirming their receipt and understanding of the facility’s anti-discrimination policies and procedures?
  • Does the facility effectively communicate the requirements of this Principle to third parties (subcontractors, labor brokers/agencies, industrial parks, export processing zones, free trade zones, etc.) that may recruit and screen applicants on its behalf in writing?
  • Has the facility had any discrimination charges filed against it by workers, regulatory agencies or any outside agency during the past two years? 
  • If so, please provide details.
  • Does the facility explicitly prohibit mandatory pregnancy testing as a condition of employment or continued employment? 
  • Are workers with the same job and seniority paid the same rate, irrespective of race, color, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or other characteristics?
  • Do all workers have an equal opportunity to work overtime?
  • Are pregnant women engaged in work that creates a risk for their pregnancy or reproductive health?