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  • Does the facility maintain a compensation and benefits policy that includes all of the following: 
    • A detailed description of the workers’ compensation and benefits at the time of employment?
    • Both written and verbal explanations of wage calculations provided at the time of employment?
    • A requirement that changes relating to compensation rates or methods of wage calculations shall be communicated timely and effectively.
    • All compensation and benefits at least meet the local requirements.
  • Does the facility post legal minimum wage rates, overtime premium rates, benefits policies, social insurance, and additional payment information in the language(s) understood by the facility workers?
  • Are workers provided with adequate communication of their legally mandated minimum compensation rights, including overtime premiums?
  • Does the facility compensate workers consistently with their terms of employment and in accordance with local/national laws and regulations related to the following:
  • Does the facility provide all workers with a pay record or stub that lists the components of the wages paid, including all deductions?
  • Do all workers sign off on wage pay records/stub, including when done by direct transfer into the worker’s bank account?
  • Are there any piece rate workers in the facility? 
    • If so, review a sampling of the documentation for piece rate workers as compared to wage rate workers to ensure compliance with this Principle.
    • Does the facility have a written and coherent policy on piece rate compensation, including overtime premium rates?
    • Does the piece rate compensation at least satisfy the minimum compensation prescribed by law?
    • Do workers sign off on material counts for piece rate systems?
  • Does the facility have a daily/weekly/ monthly quota for its production workers to meet? What percentage of workers reach the quota within a regular work shift? What happens when the quota is not met?