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FLOW: How the Best Supply Chains Thrive

Jun 19, 2024

How Road Freight Technologies Are Reshaping Maritime Shipping Practices

Today’s blog is written by a guest writer, Graham Perry, a writer at Business Tech Innovations specializing in logistics supply chain optimization. With expertise in fleet management and transportation technology,… 

May 6, 2024

The Origins and Growth of Supply Chain Management – and the Need for a Common Lexicon

The term “supply chain management” quickly exploded into the public lexicon during COVID, at which time people would often heard saying “blame it on the supply chain”! For the first… 

Apr 10, 2024

The China Container Risk in Global Supply Chain and Foreign Trade

I recently sat on an ASTM F49 Committee Meeting on supply chain standards (I serve as the pro bono secretary for the committee). ASTM International is a standards development organization… 

Mar 7, 2024

Do Tariffs Really Impact China’s Global Supply Chain?

Co-authored with Clark Banach, PhD I recently had a fantastic discussion with Clark Banach, Program Director at Aletheia Research Institution and Futures Fellow at MERICS (Mercator Institute for China Studies),… 

Dec 9, 2023

“I heard you on the wireless back in ’52”: Generative AI from an educational perspective

Fink provides insights into AI in procurement that surpasses anyone else I've seen in the field... Rob Handfield 

Jun 30, 2023

Insights from the EAI’s attendance at Planet Textiles (The Sustainable Textiles Summit)

Guest Blog by Dr. Marguerite Moore The following blog was written by Dr. Marguerite Moore from the Wilson College of Textiles. Thank you for writing up your insights Marguerite! On… 

Jun 11, 2023

The Disastrous Response of the Federal Government to the COVID-19 pandemic

A recent paper published in the PAR Journal, written by myself, Andrea Patrucco, Zhaohui Wu, Christoper Yukins, and Tanner Slaughter, reveals some insights into the reasons for failure of the… 

May 4, 2023

First Case of Human Rights Violations is Filed under the German Due Diligence Act

A little-noticed but important development occured this week, that demonstrates how labor and human rights is impacting the supply chain landscape- and also shows how ESG laws are evolving much… 

Mar 16, 2023

Using Spend Analysis to Understand Supply Chain Risks

A comprehensive understanding of spending patterns in the business is a function of the enterprise’s ability to capture data in a meaningful way.  The importance of conducting a thorough analysis… 

Feb 27, 2023

Global Independence: Reimagining the “What if Scenario”

Here’s another blog from my colleague, Rajinder Bhandal from Leeds University.  She had a chance to speak with Pete Guinto, another colleague of mine at Resilinc.  Here’s a summary of…