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Digital Supply Chain

Jun 19, 2024

How Road Freight Technologies Are Reshaping Maritime Shipping Practices

Today’s blog is written by a guest writer, Graham Perry, a writer at Business Tech Innovations specializing in logistics supply chain optimization. With expertise in fleet management and transportation technology,… 

Feb 28, 2024

GameaPalooza US AirForce Event at NC State Draws a Crowd!

Gaming in military education has traditionally been reserved for wargaming and simulation, however, a recent event hosted by NC State, entitled “Gameapalooza” spotlighted emerging applications of gaming technology, specifically for the… 

Dec 9, 2023

“I heard you on the wireless back in ’52”: Generative AI from an educational perspective

Fink provides insights into AI in procurement that surpasses anyone else I've seen in the field... Rob Handfield 

Nov 20, 2023

Annual “Doing Good with OM and OR” Workshop focused on making an impact on society

Tim Kraft and Eda Kemahlioglu-Ziya (shown below) organized this event, and also wrote this brief summary of the day. On Friday, November 17th, the Supply Chain Resource Cooperative hosted its… 

Sep 1, 2023

Supply Chain Leadership Series I: An Interview with Amanda Chawla, CSCO, Stanford Health

Today I had a fantastic interview with Amanda Chawla, as part of our new Supply Chain Leadership series within the Supply Chain Resource Cooperative at NC State. Her comments provided some… 

Jun 26, 2023

Warehouse Management Systems are the Heartbeat of Distribution Centers

I recently did some work exploring the world of Warehouse Management Systems – which a professional in the 3PL field called “the heartbeat of a DC- you can’t run one… 

Apr 2, 2023

Supply Chain Executives are building “Centers of Excellence” – because they support business strategies!

The term “COE” is often a commonly heard term in supply managers’ vernacular, but it’s interesting to note that Centers of Excellence as an organizational entity have been around for… 

Mar 16, 2023

Using Spend Analysis to Understand Supply Chain Risks

A comprehensive understanding of spending patterns in the business is a function of the enterprise’s ability to capture data in a meaningful way.  The importance of conducting a thorough analysis… 

Feb 27, 2023

Global Independence: Reimagining the “What if Scenario”

Here’s another blog from my colleague, Rajinder Bhandal from Leeds University.  She had a chance to speak with Pete Guinto, another colleague of mine at Resilinc.  Here’s a summary of… 

Feb 20, 2023

A Brief History of B2B Data Sharing – and What’s In Store

Craig Lukasik has been busy!  This is his third guest blog on Supply Chain View From the Field.   And it’s good one!  Data sharing sounds good in theory –…