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Temperature Innovations Needed to Prevent Vaccine Spoilage

Over a year into the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the exigency for vaccines is paramount. Given the high demand for immunizations, President Biden seeks to set an astronomical goal for an additional 200 million vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. An executive order signed by the President will require an assessment of supply chains to prevent vaccine shortages in metropolitan areas and “many rural areas in the United States.” One major area of concern already identified is preventing failed temperature control.  

Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccines both need to be kept between the temperature ranges of -4°F and -122.8°F, which is why “organizations have begun to use new ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezers to transport and store doses.” Nevertheless, these containers operate under “conventional power sources,” thus hindering the process of ensuring certain rural areas in the United States receive vaccinations, and increasing the probability of despoliation. 

To intercept potential perishment, possible technological advancements that utilize “battery, wind and solar energy” can prove to be favorable and should be utilized. As argued by Edward Collins of Supply & Demand Chain Executive, to defeat COVID-19, it is imperative to “improve vaccine distribution before new strains defeat current efforts.”

Source: Supply & Demand Chain Executive