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Nov 29, 2012

Bio-based Feedstock Supply Chains: Subject Matter Experts Speak in Washington

I attended a conference today in Washington DC hosted by Duke University and Yale University on Biobased Feedstocks. The discussion led to some interesting observations about the tradeoffs and opportunities… 

Sep 13, 2012

Exploiting social media to drive sustainable supply market intelligence

As organizations seek to become more sustainable, they are recognizing the limitations they face with current data systems that collect and consolidate technical information on your suppliers and their process… 

Sep 4, 2012

Do Investors Really Reward Sustainable Enterprises? What do You think?…

The SCRC research team has recently been conducting a series of studies, whereby we try to link improvements in share price performance, with higher scores on sustainable supply chain performance.… 

Aug 13, 2012

Unilever's End-to-End Sustainability Push: Hitting all elements of the supply chain…

Unilever’s Corporate Sustainability Report came out in the last month, and was received with great fanfare.  Some of the highlights identified in the first year of its Sustainable Living Plan released… 

Aug 7, 2012

Key Forces to Consider that will Impact the Future Global Logistics Environment

Today’s global logistics environment is characterized by increasing complexity and a much greater number of parameters shaping the logistics environment. The speed of trends is breathtaking and increasingly complicated –… 

Jul 25, 2012

Insights from the Logistics Hub of Europe (or why flowers from Kenya are more sustainable than those from Holland)

Today had an opportunity to speak with Enno Osinga, Senior Vice President of Cargo Operations at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.  For the uninitiated, the Netherlands has the largest number of European DC’s, with… 

Jul 3, 2012

They're Posted! Latest Supply Chain Sustainability Benchmark Reports!

Every other year, a team of MBA students from the Poole College of Management take a one credit class I teach on supply chain sustainability.  As part of this class,… 

Jun 29, 2012

Upsides and Downsides of Logistics Clusters

As Yossi Sheffi pointed out at the SCL Europe conference last week, logisics clusters have positive AND negative consequences as well.  One of the biggest negatives is the environmental impact,… 

May 17, 2012

The Paperless Office: Pipe Dream, Procurement Mandate, or Sustainability Boondoggle?

In today’s cost-cutting environment, many procurement and category management teams are sharpening their pencils and looking at ways to reduce indirect spend in areas such as printing, document management, and… 

Feb 19, 2012

Applying Life Cycle Analysis to the Keystone Problem

Environmentalists have been up in arms about the Keystone pipeline over the last few months. As a result, the Obama Administration first delayed the decision, and then rendered a decision…