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SCM Features

Mar 11, 2003

The Profit-Leverage Effect in Supply Chains

One of the biggest opportunities for improving your financial performance is reducing the amount of inventory in the supply chain. How much would you guess the average company spends on… 

Mar 5, 2003

Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI): Three Steps in Making It Work

The goal of Vendor Managed Inventory is to provide a mutually beneficial relationship where both sides will be able to more smoothly and accurately control the availability and flow of… 

Mar 1, 2003

Ten Reasons Why You Can’t Automate Human Relationships – A Guide for Supply Chain Managers, Part 2

We continue the discussion in the previous column on SCM on why human relationships are so important to management supply chains. 6. Data Mean Different Things to Different People In… 

Feb 24, 2003

How Mature Is Your Supply Chain?

Recent economic events have forced many managers to confront an important message: the old model of managing supply chains is broken and simply doesn’t work anymore. Industries from automotive to… 

Feb 19, 2003

So what! (Web Site Statistics)

On a worldwide basis, Mondays account for 15.0 percent of internet traffic for the week. Saturdays generate 13.5 percent. Source: Mondays are a mere 1.5 percent more popular to… 

Feb 13, 2003

Internal benchmarking: Looking in the Mirror

According to, benchmarking is “to measure (a rival’s product) according to specified standards in order to compare it with and improve one’s own product.” Benchmarking is typically thought of… 

Feb 11, 2003

10 Reasons Why You Can’t Automate Human Relationships – Part 2

As discussed in Part I, there are no shortcuts in automating human behavior. Based on my insights and discussions over the last year or two, I realized how this theme… 

Feb 5, 2003

Who Can Do IT?

By 2005, spending on IT outsourcing services worldwide will increase at a five-year compound growth rate (CAGR) of 12%, exceeding $100 billion USD By 2005, 30% of the Global 2000… 

Feb 1, 2003

Ten Reasons Why You Can’t Automate Human Relationships – A Guide for Supply Chain Managers, Part 1

I recently received the following email from Tom Linton, Chief Procurement Officer of Agere Systems, stationed in Singapore. “Bob, I bought your book [Supply Chain Redesign] this weekend and started… 

Jan 30, 2003

Implementing Best Practices

Best Practice: an overused cliché meaning something that everyone wants to use, but no one knows how to define. Many people start the New Year with a resolution, “a course…